Huichol Beaded Jewelry
This incredible bead work is hand made by the Huichol tribes.
This bead work is from the Huichol center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts.
Now in its 30th year of operation.
It is a registered non-profit organization (501 c3) founded by US born anthropologist and Nobel Peace Prize 2019 nominee Susana Valadez.
The foundation supports the humanitarian work of the “Centro Indígena Huichol ,A.C.” located in Huejuquilla el Alto,Jalisco, Mexico. Age-old spiritual practices of the shamans and tradition keepers in the ceremonial centers
• Indigenous Wixárika education with native language curriculum that preserves the Wixárika cultural heritage and their spoken, written and iconographic language
• Valuable agricultural skills and ecological imperatives taught at the Huichol Center Permaculture and Biodynamic Farm to promote earth care and good nutrition
• Skill training for young people and families in culturally relevant jobs such as native arts,archival documentation and computer graphics
• Medical support for people in need and the families of hospitalized patients.
The HC Ethnographic Archive documents the Wixárika legacy to ensure their cultural patrimony and indigenous wisdom survives for future generations.
We were blessed to be able to meet with Suzana,s daughter who works with her mother to support the huichol people and their traditions, this stock was originally for our shop which we were sadly unable to open due to covd19 so it is now available online here.
It is made with prayer and sold here with good intentions supporting the huichol people and helping to preserve the land..